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 Baltic Winds:Testimony of a Soviet Attorney

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"My poor Soviet women," begins a paragraph in chapter four of Simona Pipko's new book Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney.  "Not only deprived of decent clothing but treated as second-class citizens. Overwhelmed with responsibility, they didn't have a moment for themselves… [they] spent hours…standing in long lines instead of being with their children. And all the domestic responsibilities came after a full workday, in a country with no appliances, no frozen food, no pre-cut meat."

Baltic Winds, a non-fiction work with an autobiographical bent, tells Ms. Pipko's sometimes gritty life story as a prominent Soviet defense attorney, as well as the stories of her family, friends, and clients living under oppressive totalitarian rule of Soviet Socialism. Also of interest to readers is the story of captured American pilots in Gulag, discussions on terrorism, North Korea, Iraq, and the definition of "the Formula for Power."


Spanning the four decades between the 1950s and the 2000s, Baltic Winds reflects the lives of the characters on two continents, from Leningrad to Rome, and finally to New York. In the book's first section, "Mothers and Children," Ms. Pipko presents life in Russia, providing previously untold facts about the inner workings of communist Russia as well as first-hand accounts of different ethnic groups in Russia and the abominable conditions in which they lived. Though the book is dedicated to the people who survived Stalinism and the millions who did not, Ms. Pipko places particular emphasis on the struggles women still encounter in every day life: inferior status, abortion, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. 


The second part of the book, "Years, People, Countries," follows the author's journey through Europe to America, detailing how immigration and university teaching positions have again brought the author close to people—this time Americans.                                                        

Published   2002   ISBN  978-1401070960      Purchase this book

The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism



Will this global battle end? When will we win this war? Learn how to overcome the silent underlying global war in The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism .

Soviet defense attorney and US immigrant Simona Pipko takes you on a remarkable journey from Stalinist’s past to contemporary Russia in this compelling book The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism. In this book, Pipko demonstrates more courage --- by exposing the roots of modern terrorism, its ideology, and modus operandi, by explaining how old forces continue fighting Western civilization, and by bringing to light the yet-to-be uncovered truth about Russia and its role in the ongoing global strife.



Pipko reasons the impossibility to defeat terrorism if one doesn’t know the enemy; so, with her documents and photos, she reveals the enemy’s aggressive designs throughout the 20 th and 21 st century.

Based on the author’s real life and professional experiences, The Russian Factor presents observations, analysis, and commentary on this ongoing battle against “Soviet Fascism”. By delving deeper into this battle, Pipko shows how the 9/11 attack was just a link in a chain of wars waged against Western civilization, having Islam as a tool and oil as a weapon.


The Russian Factor covers a story which provides the needed knowledge to gain victory and paves way to winning against the terrorist’s forces. So, be aware, read to know…                                                                                                                                 


Published  2006     ISBN   ‎ 978-1425717148       Purchase this book  

                  What Is Happening To America? 
            The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction 

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.


“We are at war. We’ve been in WWIII for many decades now. We have been systematically targeted on different fronts and locations. Alas, my beloved America has not recognized it yet...”
This war is aimed at you, your family, your country, and at Western civilization as a whole. The name of your enemy is Soviet Fascism. To survive and win the war, awareness and knowledge about the enemy is imperative. This nonfi ction work chronicles the development of world politics in the twentieth and twenty-fi rst centuries. Discover the single driving force behind today’s threat of global terrorism.
Learn why the 9/11 attack was just one link in a long chain of battles against Western civilization and how Islam and oil are being used as weapons by a very determined enemy that is fighting for world domination.  


The author sets the stage with fi rst-hand narrative from her unique and horrifying experiences as a child in Russia. Then, she demonstrates how a global war set in motion nearly a century ago continues to pose the largest and most imminent threat to the United States and the world. Decide for yourself once you have seen Ms. Pipko’s evidence ranging from Russia’s aggressive foreign policy and growing intelligence apparatusto infi ltration into foreign governments, businesses, and institutions, including UN.

What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction is Ms. Pipko’s third book. It continues exposing the roots of modern terrorism, its ideology and modus operandi. The book is a profound contribution of first-hand experience and information, which brings to light the as-yet uncovered truth about Russia and its role in the ongoing global strife we see every day. With Simona Pipko’s heartfelt voice, this book is also an intriguing retelling of a life lived purposefully.                                           

Published   2012    ISBN  978-1477134504   Purchase this book


                               Socialist Lies:

From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders

The Soviets are alive and well and to survive the young people have to know our enemy and the rest of the world should know it too. The young people are our future and the vast majority of them are not aware that our foremost enemy is constantly attacking us. Moreover, the absence of truth has allowed political crooks and intellectually dishonest educators to deceive and seduce our youth. We live in a world driven by a hideous ideology: if you do not know this you are blind, deaf, and defenseless and need to open your eyes to what is and has been happening in America and the world.


Socialist Lies chronicles the last seven years of catastrophic world events during the Obama administration and points out its secret collaboration with socialism worldwide and Russia in particular.

Socialist Lies is a quick read that's hard to put down, showing the aggressive role Russia plays in its war against Western civilization and how the Democratic Party is destroying its free enterprise legacy and adopting socialism. Meanwhile, the Republican establishment is being shaken to its core by member anger at its inaction on critical issues.                                                 

Published  2016    ISBN    978-1514485248          Purchase this book 

                     Socialist Revolution in America

Observations, Analyses, and Commentaries of a Soviet Attorney


We are at war. This war is aimed at you, your family, your country and the Western Civilization as a whole. Afghanistan and the Socialist Revolution in America are parts of this long war.

As a compilation of articles written during the last thirty years this book represents the history of ideology that brought the world and America to its current crisis. The pages of this book reveal the faceless and nameless enemies that have been secretly operating under the radar for decades. The book exposes the driving force behind today's threat of International Terrorism: Russia and her Counterintelligence operations.

Being a profound and meaningful work, this book is a rich arsenal of information based on the author's first hand experiences and factual data.

 This book will bring to light compelling and grim secrets behind such names as Joseph Stalin, who married the Communist ideology with Islamic Jihad, the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov who designed the monumental infiltration into the midst of our society by simultaneous intrusion of our intelligence apparatus and the media, and Vladimir Putin who is successfully  implementing their strategy in the 21st century.


Socialist Revolution in America tells you a full story of the Democratic Party's conversion to Socialism by the KGB's Mafia/Army. It is the history of ideology that brought the world to this contemporary crisis in many different aspects of our lives. You will learn terms you have never heard before, like Stalinism, Soviet Fascism, WWIII, the KGB's Mafia/Army, and Socialist Charlatans...


Exposing the core of today's terrorism, its roots, ideology and operations, Socialist Revolution in America is an eye-opener in comprehending the major underlying problems in America and the world. To survive and win this war, awareness and knowledge of the enemy is urgent and crucial. Everyone pursuing the Truth should read Socialist Revolution in America.   

     What Is Happening To America? 
    The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction 

This Book Exposes Shocking Truth about Soviet Fascism and Terrorism. The author shares alarming messages about the most dangerous threats to  global peace-Russia.

This updated book is completed with Part II in 2022 offering additional chapters written in 2018-2022. For the first time, the concept of an ongoing WWIII is introduced into political lexicon, as author Simona Pipko brings it to life in her compelling and insightful book that illustrates an existential threat to Western civilization and mankind. In What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, readers will explore the silent but deadly wars that have been ongoing for several decades now. It identifies the faceless and nameless enemies that have secretly been operating under the radar, unveiling these hostilities which come in many shapes and forms, striking unsuspecting individuals on different fronts and locations.

This nonfiction work chronicles the development of world politics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We are witnessing the deadly war of Genocide in Ukraine today. Russia is a Terrorist State and the book pin-points the driving force behind today’s threats to global stability—Stalin’s ideology of Soviet fascism, The KGB Mafia/Army, “the Axis of Evil” and their long, relentless chain of battles against Western civilization. Rare documents used by the author validate the authenticity of “The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction” 

Though China is the most visible military danger to the U.S., Russia presents an existential threat to America, covertly destroying our republic from within.

Do you know Putin’s policy vis-a-vis America and the world? Have you heard about the ideology of Soviet Fascism? If not, this book is a rich arsenal of information based on both, first-hand personal experiences of a former Soviet attorney and factual data. Reading this book, you will learn about all of America’s problems in 2022 derived from decades of Russian collusion with the Democrat Party. This revealing and perspective-filled book is a must-read for every vigilant citizen and responsible leader.   

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Published 2022    ISBN   ‎ 978-1685364878          Purchase this book

    What Is Happening To America? 
      The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction.   


 Book Exposes Shocking Truths about Soviet Fascism and Terrorism. Author Simona Pipko shares alarming messages about the most dangerous threats to global peace.

For the first time, the concept of an ongoing WWIII is introduced into political lexicon, as author Simona Pipko brings it to life in her compellingand insightful book that illustrates an existential threat to Western civilization and mankind. 
In What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction Part III, readers will explore the silent but deadly wars that have been ongoing for several decades now. It identifies the faceless and nameless enemies that have secretly been operating the radar, unveiling these  hostilities which come in many shapes and forms, striking unsuspecting individuals on different fronts and locations.

The updated book is completed with Part III, offering additional chapters written in 2012-2022. This nonfiction work chronicles the development of world politics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We are witnessing the deadly war of Genocide in Ukraine today. Putin’s Russia is a Terrorist State and the book pinpoints the driving force behind today’s threats to global stability—Stalin’s ideology of Soviet fascism, the KGB Mafia/Army, the Soviet Mafia, “the Axis of Evil” and Socialist Charlatans, and their long, relentless chain of battles against Western civilization.

Though China is the most visible military danger to the U.S., Russia presents an existential threat to America, covertly destroying our republic from within.
Do you know Putin’s policy vis-a-vis America and the world?
Have you heard about the ideology of Soviet Fascism? If not, this book is a rich arsenal of information based on both first-hand personal experiences of a Soviet attorney and factual data. Reading this book, you will learn about all of America’s problems in 2022 derived from decades of Russian collusion with the Democrat Party. This revealing and perspective-filled
book is a must-read for every vigilant citizen and responsible leader.

      Published  2024      ISBN  978-1737249351         Purchase this book

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